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Guidance and advice notes

We are currently updating all our guidance to bring it in line with National Planning Framework (NPF4). Guidance issued after 13 February has been updated. Whilst any guidance issued before this date will still contain relevant and useful information, you should be aware that some parts may be out of date. As a result, our planning consultation responses may not match the information set out in this guidance.

Position statements

Development plan guidance

Requirements and recommendations for development by topic area:

Development management guidance

Topic based guidance

Guidance based on specific types of development

Flood risk advice and guidance

General advice and guidance on flood risk

SEPA position statement on elevated buildings in areas of flood risk Position statement on elevated buildings
Guidance on how our flood maps can be used to ensure new development avoids areas at flood risk Guidance for using SEPA Flood Maps for Land Use Planning
An overview of our position on development protected by flood protection schemes Planning information note on development protected by a flood protection scheme
A framework to assist the assessment of the vulnerability of different types of land use to the impact of flooding Land use vulnerability guidance
Climate change allowances for flood risk assessment in land use planning Climate change allowances for flood risk assessment in land use planning
Explanatory note on the difference between our planning guidance and future flood maps Future flood maps explanatory note
Assessment of potential application of the reservoir inundation maps for land use planning purposes position statement (developed by SEPA and agreed with the Flood Risk Land Use Planning Working Group and the Scottish Government) Reservoir Inundation Maps – potential use for Land Use Planning

Development planning advice and guidance on flood risk

Guidance to planning authorities on how to undertake a strategic flood risk assessment Guidance for planning authorities on strategic flood risk assessment
An overview of our land use planning requirements and recommendations for development plans in relation to flood risk issues Development planning guidance on flood risk
Provides more technical detail on how our development planning guidance is applied and the reasons for our position Land use planning background paper on flood risk

Development management advice and guidance on flood risk

SEPA Flood Risk Standing Advice for Planning Authorities and Developers for lower risk applications SEPA Flood Risk Standing Advice for Planning Authorities and Developers
Outlines methodologies that may be appropriate for hydrological and hydraulic modelling and what information SEPA requires to be submitted as part of a Flood Risk Assessment Technical flood risk guidance for stakeholders
A checklist to help consultants ensure that all the necessary information is submitted to us Flood Risk Assessment checklist
An overview of our requirements and recommendations for planning applications that may impact on flood risk Development management guidance on flood risk
Provides more technical detail on how our development management guidance is applied and the reasons for our position Land use planning background paper on flood risk

Zero Waste Plan advice and guidance

Guidance for local authorities

Scotland's Zero Waste Plan describes a new package of complementary measures, including ambitious recycling targets and the use of a carbon metric to encourage recycling of materials which will result in the greatest benefit to the environment.

SEPA has published new guidance to local authorities on Zero Waste Plan recycling targets, landfill diversion and the Landfill Allowance Scheme. This guidance reflects the new targets and reporting conventions set out in Annex A to the Zero Waste Plan which were implemented from April 2011.

Data on waste management capacity

Data collected and prepared by SEPA is reported by the Scottish Government in order to monitor regional waste management capacity. This helps local authorities identify shortfalls in capacity, which they can then seek to fill, in line with Scottish Planning Policy. The data we prepare is therefore key in assisting in the delivery of Scotland's Zero Waste Plan. We update the data annually, using the following calculation methodology.

Contact us

If you have any questions or require any further information or advice on any aspect of planning, please contact us.