Scottish Pollutant Release Inventory
The Scottish Pollutant Release Inventory (SPRI) is a Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) and has the primary purpose of making publicly available officially reported annual releases of specified pollutants to air and water from SEPA-regulated industrial facilities. It also provides information on off-site transfers of waste and waste-water from these facilities.
The SPRI data is collected, quality assured and made public under the requirements of Freedom of Information and can be compared with PRTR information from other countries. SPRI datasets from 2002 to the present year (except 2003) are available and reported annually.
Operators of sites carrying out specific activities (67 activities covering 10 major sectors) above defined capacity thresholds are obliged to report to SPRI on an annual basis. The activities and thresholds are largely determined by European reporting requirements but some thresholds have been lowered to be relevant to pollutant releases in the UK and Scotland.
SPRI data is available on Scotland's Environment Web.
This is a data analysis tool which allows you to view summarised information by industry sector for pollutants and waste transfers. Data can be downloaded in bulk, including at a site level. It is updated annually when the previous years data is published.
An Official Statistic Publication for Scotland
We have released figures that show emissions of pollutants to air and water and off site waste transfers reported by operators of industrial sites under the Scottish Pollutant Release Inventory (SPRI) for the current calendar year. Some historic data is included for comparison.
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