Definition of waste guidance
Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) guidance
- Guide to scheme articles, non-scheme articles and non-Scottish articles
- Operational plan guidance for producers
- Guide to deposit labelling and signage
Healthcare waste guidance
End-of-waste guidance
- Guidance on the Production of Fully Recovered Asphalt Road Planings
- Regulation of outputs from composting processes
- Processed Fuel Oil
- EU End-of-Waste Criteria for Scrap Iron, Steel and Aluminium
- Recycled Aggregates from Inert Waste
- Recycled Gypsum from Waste Plasterboard
Special waste guidance
- Technical Guidance WM3 - Waste Classification: Guidance on the classification and assessment of waste
- Interim SEPA Technical Guidance Note - Mixing and Stabilisation of Hazardous (Special) Wastes
- Guidance on asbestos in demolition wastes
- Guidance on consigning special waste
- Classification of WEEE - Hazardous Substances and Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
- Guidance on the Use, Storage and Disposal of Class B Firefighting Foam Containing Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
POPs waste guidance
- Guidance on the management of Waste Upholstered Domestic Seating (WUDS) containing Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
- Position statement on Shredding of WUDS containing POPs at authorised facilities
- Position statement on Storage of WUDS containing POPs at authorised facilities
Regulatory guidance
- Guidance for the reuse of Type 1 aggregate - WST-G-68
- The ban on landfilling Biodegradable Municipal Waste (scope and testing guidance)
- Guide to Waste Management Licensing - Please note that this document was written for SEPA staff, therefore some of the links will not work for external users. Please contact your local SEPA team if you wish to discuss any of the content in further detail
- Working plan guidance - Transfer Station
- Working plan guidance - Scrap Yard & end-of-life facility
- Working plan guidance - Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTP)
- Storage of WEEE under Weatherproof Cover
- Guidance on persistent organic pollutants
- Guidance on Small Scale Manufacture of Biodiesel
- Guidance Note: Prior Treatment of Waste for Landfill
- Guidance on the Standards for Storage and Treatment of End-of-life Vehicles
- Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) and the Construction Industry
- Guidance on the Recovery and Disposal of Controlled Substances Contained in Refrigerators and Freezers
- The Environmental Protection (Disposal of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and other Dangerous Substances)(Scotland) Regulations 2000
- Land Remediation and Waste Management Guidelines
- The Batteries Regulations – What you should know
- Collection of Waste Portable Batteries from Distributors
- Licensing Requirements for Battery Collection Points
- Odour guidance document
- Odour Management Plan template
- Promoting the sustainable reuse of greenfield soils in construction
- Waste regulation and the transport and storage of end of life vehicles
- Export of shredded waste tyres
- Provision assessment of technically competent management at licensed waste management facilities
- Guidance on the Management of Forestry Waste
- The Distinction between Waste Vehicles and Used Vehicles
- Disposal of trees and plants infected with specific plant diseases
- Export of Waste Medical Devices
- Interim Guidance on the Outputs from Anaerobic Digestion of Fish Waste
- Regulation of small-scale food waste pre-treatment at source
- Composting and bioaerosols: distance from sensitive receptors
- Determining Capacity for PPC Section 5.3 and 5.4 Activities
- Guidance on separating material for recycling
- PPC technical guidance note: BAT for composting
- Financial Provision for Non Landfill Waste Management
- Reuse Activities and Waste Regulation
- Food waste management in Scotland
- Developments on peat and off-site uses of waste peat
- Off shore oil and gas waste
- Guidance on the interpretation of physico-chemical treatment of waste
- Recovery and Disposal of Waste in Quarries
- Classification of waste wood
- Waste from Disease Outbreak SEPA Guidance
Guidance for developers
- Thermal Treatment of Waste Guidelines
- Guidance on the suitable organic material applications for land restoration and improvement
- Biosecurity and management of invasive non-native species for construction sites and controlled activities
Quick guides for emissions monitoring from waste sites can be found in our PPC section.
Position statements
- Use of waste gypsum in animal bedding
- Guidance - Licensing of Anaerobic Digestion Plants
- Classification of outputs from anaerobic digestion processes
- Determining when waste 'unused ' fuel ceases to be waste
- Burial of small quantities of rodent carcasses poisoned on farmland
- Mixing and treatment of special waste in open pits and vessels
- Clean scrap metal offcuts
- Manufacture and use of biochar from waste
- Permitting of Pyrolysis and Gasification of Waste activities
- Guidance - How to demonstrate an End of Waste case for syngas
- Emergency or Unscheduled Work to Heat Pump Systems, Refrigeration Units and Air Conditioning Units
- Small scale food waste storage
- Storage of refuse derived fuel (RDF) / solid recovered fuel (SRF)
- Delayed depollution of shock absorbers, airbags and seatbelt pretensioners on ELVs
- Temporary storage of ELVs at a vehicle dealership
- Wastes from sewer cleaning
- Use of Crop Residues in Anaerobic Digestion Plants
- Paragraph 45 Exempt activity: Clarification of acceptable wastes
- Storage, stacking and treatment of litter, straw, manure and slurry arising from an exotic notifiable animal disease outbreak
- Temporary storage of waste motor vehicles before transfer to an authorised treatment facility
- Roadside vehicle maintenance - 3rd party collection and storage of waste
- Use of Incinerator Bottom Ash Aggregate in Construction
- Collection of scheme packaging as part of Scotland's Deposit Return Scheme
- Crushing piercing aerosol cans
- Portable Chemical Toilet wastes
- Temporary Regulatory Position Statement
2024 & 2025 pEPR Packaging Data Requirements
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