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UK Pollutant and Transfer Register
UK Pollutant and Transfer Register (UK-PRTR)
The UK-PRTR is a publicly accessible dataset that provides detailed information about pollution emissions from industrial sites and other designated sources across the United Kingdom.
As a consequence of EU exit, the E-PRTR Regulation became UK law and is known as the UK-PRTR. The EU and the UK are signatories to the UNECE PRTR Protocol, which is the ov
Environmental crime protocol
A summary of SEPA's responsibilities relating to evironmental crime protocal.
A summary of SEPA's responsibilities relating to evironmental crime protocal.
The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Services (COPFS) and SEPA are committed to ensuring effective liaison so that reports from SEPA achieve the best outcome for the environment and the public interest. The Environmental Crime Protocol has been developed to ensure that liaison arrangements between COPFS and SEPA are transparent, with cases being dealt with in the most effective and consistent wa
Information for Approved Bodies
If you are an Approved Body, or are considering becoming an Approved Body, the following information should contain everything you need to know. If you need any further information, please contact us.
What Approved Bodies do
Approved Bodies are organisations, approved by us, that distribute SLCF funding. They receive contributions from landfill operators and consider applications for funding. Each
Risk of surface water flooding increases due to water scarcity
Water scarcity and flooding at the same time
Very dry ground can act like concrete, which means rain quickly runs off without soaking in. This increases the risk of surface water flooding, especially if the rain is heavy.
Dr Rob Thompson from University of Reading's Meteorology Department has shared a video on Twitter showing how long it can take water to soak into very dry ground.
The latest F
Participating in ETS
An overview of how the EU Emissions Trading System works and how to participate.
An overview of how the EU Emissions Trading System works and how to participate.
How the Emissions Trading System works
The EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) aims to promote reductions of greenhouse gas emissions in a cost-effective and economically efficient manner. The system operates through the allocation, trading and auctioning of greenhouse gas emission allowances throughout the EU. One allowance represents one tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent.
An overall limit, or
Environmental liability regulations
Information on the regulations that operators of certain activities are required to take preventative measures where there is an imminent threat of environmental damage, and to remediate any environmental damage caused by their activities.
Information on the regulations that operators of certain activities are required to take preventative measures where there is an imminent threat of environmental damage, and to remediate any environmental damage caused by their activities.
These regulations require operators to take preventative measures where there is an imminent threat of environmental damage, and to remediate any environmental damage caused by their activities.
If you have been, or think you are likely to be, affected by an environmental damage incident, or otherwise have sufficient interest, please contact us on our pollution hotline number 0800 807 060.
Any thi
Environmental monitoring and assessment
Radioactive substances are used routinely in Scotland for medical diagnosis and treatment, research, energy generation and industrial processes. Under the Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018 (EA(S)R), we regulate these activities including discharges to the environment. We are responsible for ensuring that public radiation doses as a result of authorised radioactive discharges
Fisherrow Sands
Fisherrow Sands - Addressing Bathing Water Quality
As you may be aware, in light of Scotland's continuing response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Scottish Government has not designated bathing waters for the 2020 season and has recently consulted on proposals to keep this under review across the summer.
You may also be aware that over recent years, significant work has been undertaken by
SEPA guidance
Please contact us before progressing any applications.
PART A installations
PPC Part A BAT conclusions review guidance (IED-TG-43)
Derogation from BAT-AEL guidance (IED-TG-44)
SEPA site and baseline report guidance (IED TG02) (0.97mb)- This guidance has been updated to reflect the changes brought about by the requirements of the Industrial Emissions Directive and PPC 2012 regulati
Tarbolton Landfill Limited
On Wednesday 13 June 2018, the operators of Tarbolton Landfill Limited in South Ayrshire had an application to voluntarily liquidate the company granted by The Companies Court in London.
An Official Receiver has been appointed and it is SEPA’s position that the environmental obligations of the site’s permit now fall to them.Prior to the company’s application to enter voluntary liquidatio