Forms and guidance
Forms and information
Reservoir (Scotland) Act 2011 blank registration form
All new reservoirs, and any reservoirs regulated under the Reservoirs Act 1975 are required to be registered with SEPA.
To register your reservoir with SEPA please use the registration form.
Ceasing to be a reservoir manager
If you cease to be the manager of a registered controlled reservoir, you are required to notify us not later than 28 days after ceasing to be the reservoir manager. You may use the Ceasing to be a reservoir manager form to notify us of the change.
Notification of a new reservoir manager
When you become the reservoir manager of an existing registered controlled reservoir you must notify us within 28 days of the change. You may use the Notification of a new reservoir manager form to notify us of the change.
Appointment of a construction engineer
When a reservoir manager is constructing a new controlled reservoir, restoring an existing impoundment structure or area such that it will be regulated under the 2011 Act, or undertaking any work for the purpose of increasing or decreasing the capacity of a controlled reservoir (including discontinuance and abandonment), a construction engineer must be appointed.
It is the duty of the reservoir manager to notify us of this appointment no later than 28 days before works commence. The forms below can be used to notify us of this appointment:
A list of panel engineers, who may be used as a construction engineer can be found on Scottish Government website.
Notification of works
When a reservoir manager is constructing a new controlled reservoir, restoring an existing impoundment structure or area such that it will be regulated under the Reservoirs (Scotland) Act 2011, or is undertaking any work for the purpose of increasing or decreasing the capacity of a controlled reservoir (including discontinuance and abandonment) you need to notify us of the proposed work, no later than 28 days before works commence.
The forms below can be used to notify us of this work:
Appointment of a supervising engineer
Reservoirs that have a high or medium risk designation must at all times have a supervising engineer appointed to them. It is the duty of the reservoir manager to make this appointment and to notify us no later than 28 days after the appointment has been made. Schedule 14 of the Reservoirs (Scotland) Regulations 2016 should be used to notify us of this appointment. A Word version of Schedule 14 of this schedule can be found on the Scottish Government website and used to notify us.
A list of supervising engineers who may be appointed can be found on Scottish Government website.
Please refer to our Privacy Policy for information on how SEPA handle personal information.
Appointment of an inspecting engineer
Reservoirs that have a high risk designation are required to appoint an inspecting engineer at least once every 10 years or sooner if stated in the last inspection report or if called for by the supervising engineer. Reservoirs that have a medium risk designation are required to appoint an inspecting engineer when called for by the supervising engineer.
It is the duty of the reservoir manager to make these appointments and to notify us no later than 28 days after the appointment has been made.
Schedule 11 of the Reservoirs (Scotland) Regulations 2016 should be used to notify us of this appointment. A Word version of Schedule 11 of this Schedule can be found on the Scottish Government website and used to notify us.
A list of inspecting engineers who may be appointed can be found on the Scottish Government website.
Please refer to our Privacy Policy for information on how SEPA handle personal information.
Change of reservoir information
Where details of a controlled reservoir have changed, such as reservoir manager address, other contact information or reservoir/dam specific information, you may use the Change of reservoir information form to notify us of these changes.
Guidance documents
We will help to support the reservoir industry through a suite of guidance documents which will inform and provide good practice on how to fulfil the requirements of the new legislation:
- Information leaflet - Important regulatory information for reservoir managers
- Information leaflet - Changes for panel engineers who operate in Scotland
- Guidance for reservoir managers on the management of controlled reservoirs
- Guidance on SEPA's reservoir registration process
- Guidance on SEPA's reservoir risk designation process
- Guidance on abandonment and discontinuance
- Guidance for engineers on the completion of Schedule 12 – Inspection Reports
- Guidance for engineers on the completion of Schedule 15 – Supervising Engineer Written Statements
Briefing notes have been developed which detail the key changes being introduced and offer further information on how the 2011 Act has been implemented