Engineering guidance
- Placement of large wood guidance
- Authorisation of Ponds Guidance
- Placement of Pipelines Guidance
- Fences Guidance
- Engineering & Impounding activities affecting drainage ditched guidance
- Fords guidance
Position statements
These set out our approach to particular issues that arise during the regulatory process:
- WAT-PS-06-02: Culverting of Watercourses
- WAT-PS-06-03: SEPA's Position Statement: Sediment Management - this document now replaced by WAT-SG-78: Sediment Management Authorisation
- WAT-PS-07-01: Emergency Engineering Works - now obsolete. Refer to WAT-RM-49: CAR 2011 Emergency Provisions
- WAT-PS-07-03: Engineering in Artificial Inland Surface Waters
- WAT-PS-14-01: CAR and the Management of Beaver Structures
Regulatory methods
These set out the process SEPA follows when assessing engineering applications:
SEPA supporting guidance: Good practice guides
- WAT-SG-23: Bank Protection
- WAT-SG-25: River Crossings
- WAT-SG-26: Sediment Management
- WAT-SG-28: Intakes and Outfalls
- WAT-SG-29: Construction Methods
- WAT-SG-44: Riparian Vegetation Management
- Watercourses in the Community: A Guide to Sustainable Watercourse Management in the Urban Environment
- Ponds, Pools and Lochans: Guidance on good practice in the management and creation of small waterbodies in Scotland
- Managing River Habitats for Fisheries
- Reducing river bank erosion: A best practice guide for farmers and other land managers
- Gold Panning Guidance
- Biosecurity and non-native species guidance
Documents produced for SEPA staff, which we have made publicly available:
- WAT-SG-21: Environmental Standards for River Morphology
- WAT-SG-30: Review of River Geomorphology Impact Assessment Tools and Post Project Monitoring Guidance for Engineering Activities
- WAT-SG-31: SEPA Special Requirements for Civil Engineering Contracts for the Prevention of Pollution
- WAT-SG-32: SEPA Guidance on the Special Requirement for Civil Engineering Contracts
- WAT-SG-37: Engineering Log Jams: Conceptual Design Guidelines
- WAT-SG-78: Sediment Management Authorisation (Replaces WAT-PS-06-03)
- WAT-SG-80: GIS Screening Tool Guidance for Engineering Registration Level Activities
- WAT-SG-86: Registration Rules for Exposed Sediment Removal
- WAT-SG-93: Guidance for transport infrastructure projects