Serious environmental harm could result from construction activities, such as excessive siltation from run-off, impeding fish migration or impacts on fish spawning.
A number of construction-related activities therefore require authorisation from SEPA.
The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011, more commonly known as CAR regulations, and their amendments cover activities which may impact the water environment.
In addition to the information below, the CAR practical guide gives more information about the regulations and how they are implemented.
Waste-related activities are covered by waste management licensing.
Activities which could result in emissions to air are covered by PPC Part B pollution prevention and control.
In order to prevent harm, all developers and contractors should:
- Assess the proposed activities.
- Ensure that adequate mitigation is planned.
- Ensure all regulatory permissions that are required are obtained from SEPA before starting works.
The construction environmental toolkit available on NetRegs is designed to assist construction professionals in understanding and adhering to environmental regulations.
The guidance notes and videos cover:
- Air quality and nuisances.
- Cement, concrete and grout.
- Decarbonisation on site.
- Ecology and biodiversity.
- Fuels and oils.
- Materials sourcing and management.
- Silt management.
- Surface water management.
- Waste duty of care.
Construction and sector plans
Construction is essentially a cross sectoral issue but there are two key sectors which we have covered within our sector plan approach and which cover a large part of all construction. Moving our regulation from individual sites to a sectoral approach supports the aim that all regulated businesses fully meet their compliance objectives and as many as possible go further. The applicable sector plans are:
Do the regulations apply to me and what do I need to do?
Construction activities can involve a wide range of activities which may require authorisation from SEPA. These activities include:
- discharging run-off from construction area
- the construction of bridges and culverts
- work on the river bank
- diversion and realignment of rivers and streams
- the installation of coffer dams
- dewatering excavations
- use of herbicides
A Construction Regulatory Guide has been produced to help you work through the types of activity which may require authorisation and provides links to relevant guidance and application forms.
Detailed guidance is also available regarding the regulation of run-off from construction sites.
Supporting information for applications
Guidance on the following subjects is currently under development and links will be made available on publication of the documents. If you have any questions regarding any of these, please contact the local environmental protection team and/or water permitting using the contact us form.
- Fish protection guidance – covering spawning
- Design drawings
- Engineering checklists
Compliance with regulations
Prior to starting construction, it’s important to make sure all relevant regulatory permissions have been obtained.
Licences authorised under CAR are regulated by our compliance assessment scheme and Enforcement policy
Operators are expected to uphold the conditions of their registration or licence and SEPA have powers to withdraw your authorisation if you fail to meet its conditions.
If you do not agree with the conditions and requirements imposed by a CAR authorisation or notice, you can make an appeal directly to the Scottish Government. The submission of an appeal does not suspend the operations of all authorisations or notices and its conditions.
Help, advice and more information
If you require any further help or advice at any stage during the application process, or want to submit a pre-application proposal and supporting information please email Water Permitting.
You can email application forms along with supporting information to Registry.