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Progress on technical actions

10 May 2019

LIFE SMART Waste has published a report to provide a high level summary of the project’s progress towards developing and demonstrating innovative ways to understand, tackle and reduce waste-related crime.

The ‘Progress on technical actions’ report was prepared for environmental regulators, enforcement bodies and waste industry representatives and includes references to the project’s publications for anyone seeking additional information on any of the subject areas.

LIFE SMART Waste project activity theme’s summarised within the report include the following:

  • Collaborative approaches
  • Innovative tools, approaches and techniques
  • Investigations and intelligence
  • Cross-agency interventions
  • Recommendations for policy and legislative change

To access more of LIFE SMART Waste's reports, tools and related information, follow the link to project publications.

If you have any queries about this interim 'Progress on technical actions' report, or other aspects of the project’s work, please contact