ENPE Annual Conference 2018, Greece
25 October 2018
The LIFE SMART Waste project shared some of its innovative work at the recent ENPE Annual Conference in Heraklion, Crete, Greece from 23-24 October 2018.
ENPE joined with partners from two EU LIFE programme funded projects, and a specialist water Crimes Group from the European Union Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law (IMPEL), to address the theme of protecting habitats and endangered species in Europe through tackling environmental crime.
The conference brought together 104 participants from 25 countries representing 56 organisations to hear from a wide range of specialists, ranging from representatives of international organisations discussing the global challenges facing us all, to national environmental experts, chief prosecutors, leading academics and regional specialists all of whom are united in their commitment to environmental improvement.
LIFE SMART Waste shared project aims and outcomes with delegates during one of four Breakout Groups sharing innovative technologies and approaches to assist prosecution of environmental crime.
For further information about the conference, visit the ENPE 2018 Conference e-zine.