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Coming soon in 2019

11 December 2018

The work of the LIFE SMART Waste project continues at pace and 2019 promises a wealth of new insights with the completion of our collaborative waste crime interventions, innovative pilot studies and the publication of a range of reports to share the results.

In early 2019 these will include:

Waste crime interventions

LIFE SMART Waste will build on previous intelligence-led interventions - which focused the illegal transportation and warehousing of waste - by collaborating with industry experts to consider how to practically address key vulnerabilites that affect the brokerage of waste.

Innovative pilot studies

A new Competitive Intelligence (CI) toolkit for environmental regulators - using a selection of well-known CI techniques - is currently in development and an initial pilot within SEPA is planned in early 2019.

To supplement the Hub's capabilities, we are currently exploring the use of an Cross Border Flagging Database to enable national agencies to share data of mutual interest, classified at “Official (Sensitive)” level. This collaborative work is initially being undertaken by SEPA, Natural Resources Wales and the Northern Ireland Environment Agency.

We are continuing with two concurrent Remote Sensing pilots in Scotland to develop and evaluate techniques for detecting unknown illegal waste sites and specified waste materials.

Following on from preliminary workshops in the Netherlands, we will be progressing and concluding the European pilot of the Horizon Scanning Toolkit undertaken recently with the support of European environmental regulators and enforcement bodies (including Europol and INTERPOL).


The project's work on the potential of waste flow tracking devices for preventing and detecting waste crime will be summarised in a report that considers the types of tracking devices available, how the systems operate, potential applications and the associated risks and challenges of doing so in a UK context.

The results and conclusions of our work to to design an innovative waste flow audit approach for environmental authorities to generate enhanced waste crime intelligence will also be published.

Updates on these and other LIFE SMART Waste project initiatives will follow in the New Year.

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