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Financial screening tool workshop

27 January 2017

Experts from throughout the UK gathered in Glasgow on 26 January 2017 to participate in a validation workshop for a ‘waste crime financial risk screening tool’ being developed by Cranfield University on behalf of the LIFE SMART Waste project.

Cranfield University facilitated the workshop on behalf of SEPA with participation from 21 experts across environmental and other regulatory sectors, including the Environment Agency (England), Natural Resources Wales, SEPA, Northern Ireland Environment Agency, HMRC, Police Scotland, Care Inspectorate, Scotland Excel, Security Industry Authority, Scottish Government, the Office of Traffic Commissioner and Food Standards Scotland.

The objectives of this workshop were three-fold:

  • To review the financial tool as presented and discuss its suitability and usefulness, then outline areas for further improvement
  • To discuss regulatory practices in other sectors and identify areas of learning that can be transferred between these and environmental related activities
  • Discuss how the tool can be introduced for routine use by environmental regulators (and identify any training needs)

There was unanimous support for the financial tool and the feedback and observations from the workshop highlighted a number of points to inform the next steps of the Life Smart Waste Project, including feedback on the tool and related areas of policy and legislation.