Cross border days of action, 17-19 May 2016
11 May 2016
As a prelude to a series of planned LIFE SMART Waste project interventions using an innovative, collaborative approach, SEPA is partnering with a range of enforcement agencies to undertake three days of action during 17-19 May to tackle cross border criminal activity in the waste industry.
The targeted interventions are due to take place as part of Operation Nortese, involving site inspections, roadside stops and port checks in collaboration with a range of partner enforcement agencies such as the Environment Agency, Police Scotland, the British Transport Police, HM Revenue and Customs, the Scottish Business Resilience Centre, and Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency.
In support of the initiative SEPA has distributed a ‘Clamping Down on Waste Crime’ information leaflet to almost 8,000 registered waste carriers and brokers, to remind them of their responsibilities and where to gain further advice on compliance. The information leaflets will also be handed out by SEPA staff during the operation.