NESS EfW facility EfW application
On 7 October 2019 SEPA received an application from EFW NESS Limited (SC627853) for a permit to operate an Energy from Waste (EFW) Facility – NESS EfW Facility at Greenbank Crescent, East Tullos Industrial Estate, Aberdeen, Scotland, AB12 3BG. This activity would be regulated under the Pollution Prevention and Control (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (commonly known as PPC).
SEPA’s role
SEPA is the public body tasked with protecting and reporting on the state of the environment of Scotland. We do this by regulating activities that can cause pollution, by monitoring the quality of Scotland’s air, land and water and by working to enable those we regulate to comply with the legislation.
SEPA has examined the application documents received and is content that there is sufficient information to begin the determination process. If further information is required to complete the process, EFW NESS Limited will have to provide it.
The determination process
EFW NESS Limited must now place adverts in the relevant local newspaper(s) and the Edinburgh Gazette. These let the public know that an application has been submitted, where it can be viewed and where they can send relevant comments they would like SEPA to consider.
There is a four week period, from the date of the advert for the public to make comments. Representations outwith this period can still be made to the contact address or email box detailed below.
The application will be sent, by SEPA, to statutory consultees, including the Health Board, Local Authority, Food Standards Agency, Scottish Water and Scottish Natural Heritage and some discretionary consultees including local Community Councils.
SEPA has a legal duty to take regard of comments made during the formal 28 day consultation period. SEPA may consider representations made out with the consultation period.
If SEPA issues a Notice requiring further information, it has a duty to make available any further information submitted onto the Public Register and will, in addition, update its website. Although in this application for a permit SEPA will consider any relevant representations made by the public about any further information submitted, it will not hold any further formal consultation until it has prepared a draft decision (see below).
Written representations will be placed on the Public Register unless people advised in writing, at the same time as they made the representation, that they wished it to be kept from the register.
SEPA has summary information for this permit application available via the link below.
For Energy from Waste Applications, SEPA has a policy to make these publically available via our web-site. However, due to file size restrictions please contact our Registry team (as per details below).
SEPA has four months from the application date to consider the information in the application and any additional information provided during the consultation process. We will then produce a draft decision document, which may include a draft permit.
A longer period could be agreed with EFW NESS Limited, and if additional information is required to complete the decision process, the determination time would automatically be extended.
Having reviewed the application, SEPA’s draft decision (including any draft Permit or draft refusal Notice) will follow a further period of public consultation. This will be published by SEPA through our Public Participation Directive Consultation page and consultation responses will be considered prior to finalising the determination.
Supporting documents
The permit application is available below. Electronic copies of the full application are available through the below links. Due to the size of the full application it cannot be forwarded via email.
You can contact us through our online contact form.