Closed RSA consultations
Please note that closed applications will be available here for up to one year from the date that SEPA’s decision is issued. For anything older than this, please contact us using the online contact form.
Permit(s): RSA/A/1124386 & RSA/A/1123476 (respectively)
Location of installation:
Rosyth Naval Dockyard - Rosyth Royal Dockyard Ltd and Ministry of DefenceApplication details:
Public consultation on applications by MoD and RRDL to dispose low level radioactive waste at Rosyth Naval Dockyard
SEPA has received two separate, but related, applications in connection with the dismantling of seven redundant nuclear submarines currently stored afloat at the Rosyth naval dockyard in Fife.
The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has applied to obtain a Letter of Approval (LoA) from SEPA to dispose of low level radioactive wastes (LLW) by their transfer to Rosyth Royal Dockyard Limited (RRDL) who will subsequently treat and dispose of all submarine LLW. RRDL currently has a Radioactive Substances Act 1993 (RSA 93) Authorisation which SEPA granted in 2008. However, that Authorisation does not include LLW arising from submarine dismantling operations. Therefore, RRDL has applied to SEPA to obtain a new RSA 93 Authorisation.
SEPA will determine the MoD and RRDL applications separately. However, both applications set out arrangements to manage LLW from submarine dismantling operations at Rosyth naval dockyard. For this reason, SEPA has decided on a joint stakeholder consultation process and to seek stakeholder comments on both applications at the same time.
In undertaking this consultation, SEPA is looking for responses on any matters that your organisation, or you as an individual, are aware of that could influence SEPA's decision whether to grant the LoA and the RSA 93 Authorisation, or not. Our consultation comprises information included in the document, below, titled "Public Consultation Document - SEPA" and information in the References, also below.
- Public Consultation Document - SEPA
- Reference 1a - MoD application letter
- Reference 1b - MoD application
- Reference 2 - SEPA and MoD agreement
- Reference 3a - RRDL application and letter
- Reference 3b - RRDL supporting information
- Reference 4 - RRDL RSA 93 authorisation
- Reference 5 - Scottish Government response
- Reference 6a - ONR response
- Reference 6b - ONR response
- Reference 7 - DNSR response
- Reference 8 - FSA response
- Reference 9 - RSA 93 authorisation template
Consultation closed 9 October 2015
Date application received:
08 July 2014Date final permit/notice issued:
01 December 2016Final determination:
Final decision document:
Rosyth Royal Dockyard decision document
The following are the appendices to the final decision document above:
Appendix 4: Further/Supporting information
- BPM substantiation report pages 1-6
- BPM substantiation report pages 7-9
- Potential hazardous substances & their management at Rosyth Dockyard
Appendix 5: Consultee Responses
- Defence Nuclear Safety Regulator (DNSR)
- Food Standards Scotland (FSS)
- Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR)
- Scottish Government
Appendix 6: Rosyth Royal Dockyard Limited Authorisation
Appendix 7: Ministry of Defence Letter of Approval
Permit(s): RSA/A/0070022 & RSA/A/0070116 (respectively)
Location of installation:
EDF Energy Ltd – Hunterston B & TornessApplication details:
Consultation on proposed variations to both EDF authorisations
Application has been made by EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Ltd to vary the authorisations for both Hunterston B and Torness Power Stations for the disposal of radioactive waste from both stations. In undertaking this consultation, SEPA is looking for information relevant to the proposed changes, specifically, any matters that your organisation, or you as an individual, are aware of that could influence SEPA's decision.
- Consultation Document
- Appendix 1: EDF application for Torness power station
- Appendix 2: EDF application for Hunterston B power station
- Appendix 3: Extant authorisation for Torness including notices of variation VN01 & VN02
- Appendix 4: Extant authorisation for Hunterston B including notices of variation VN01 & VN02
- Appendix 5: Stage 1 consultation response - Scottish Government
- Appendix 6: Stage 1 consultation response - ONR
- Appendix 7: Stage 1 consultation response - FSA
- Appendix 8: SEPA standard nuclear authorisation template
Consultation closed 6 Oct 2014
Date application received:
12 November 2013Date final permit/notice issued:
16 May 2016Final determination:
Final decision document:
The following are the appendices to the final decision document above:
- Appendix 3 - SEPA request for further information on Hunterston B application
- Appendix 3 - Supplementary information response for Hunterston B
- Appendix 4 - SEPA request for further information on Torness application
- Appendix 4 - Supplementary information response for Torness
- Appendix 5 - EDF comment on draft for Hunterston B
- Appendix 5 - EDF comment on draft for Torness
- Appendix 6 - FSS response
- Appendix 6 - ONR response
- Appendix 6 - Scottish Government response
- Appendix 7 - Hunterston B variation
- Appendix 8 - Torness variation
Permit(s): RSA/N/1103066
Location of installation:
Magnox Ltd, Chapelcross SiteApplication details:
Chapelcross Authorisation Variation
Application has been made by Magnox Ltd to vary their authorisation for the disposal of radioactive waste arising from the Chapelcross site.
- Chapelcross variation - Public consultation document
- Paper 1 - Application form
- Paper 2 - ENV-REP-011
- Paper 3 - FSA prospective dose assessment
- ONR Response to initial consultation
- Scottish Government response to initial consultation
- FSA response to initial consultation
Consultation closed 12 May 2014
Date application received:
15 November 2013Date final permit/notice issued:
Final determination:
Application has been withdrawn.