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Climate change

We regulate a wide range of industries and organisations whose activities generate emissions of greenhouse gases, for example:

  • industrial installations
  • large businesses
  • supermarkets
  • water companies
  • banks
  • local authorities
  • aviation operators
  • other private and public sector organisations who are high energy users

We work with the Scottish and UK governments and the other UK environmental regulators to implement and enforce national legislation that aims to reduce emissions and improve energy efficiency. Our work also includes taking an active part in the development and revision of guidance, policy and legislation to tackle climate change.

We use both our regulatory powers and our advisory role to help Scotland’s businesses and organisations move to a low carbon economy. The carbon reduction efforts of the participants can save them money by leading to more efficient use of energy and reduced energy bills.

Some greenhouse gases can damage the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere. Our regulatory duties include promoting and ensuring compliance with legislation that aims to reduce emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases and ozone-depleting substances

Find out more about how we work with regulation to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and ozone-depleting substances in this section.