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Submit a radioactive substances notification

You need to notify SEPA if you:

You don't need to notify SEPA if the activity can be carried out under a permit or registration that you already hold.

  • There's no fee to make a notification
  • You must submit separate notifications for each location

Notifications for category 5 sealed sources, tritium sources and electrodeposited sources expire after 3 years. If at the end of the 3-year period you still hold these sources, you will need to submit a new Notification at, or as close to, the date the existing Notification expires. Notifications cannot be ‘renewed’, the reference number for the existing Notification no longer applies once it has reached the expiry date and therefore a new Notification with a new reference number is required.

If you experience problems with the online Notifications form or don’t receive a confirmation email within 24 hours, please contact us.