Dunoon continuous water quality monitoring buoy, Firth of Clyde
Since 2009 a monitoring buoy has been deployed in the Firth of Clyde adjacent to Dunoon. This location is a long term monitoring site for both marine chemical and ecological parameters and was previously monitored on a monthly basis. Continuous monitoring equipment attached to the buoy detects short term changes in water quality that are missed by monthly monitoring.
Firth of Clyde monitoring buoy factsheet
We have developed a monitoring buoy factsheet that provides information about our water monitoring in the Firth of Clyde.
Current observations
Data is collected at 15 minutes intervals and is displayed as daily averages. Data can be accessed remotely and updated weekly.
Data requests
If you require any further information regarding our monitoring buoys please contact us.
The monitoring buoy data is gathered by SEPA to help it fulfil its statutory duties. We publish it online because we recognise that this information may also be useful for others, but we cannot guarantee its currency or availability. Use of the data is subject to our standard terms and conditions of reuse. The majority of our buoys do not have remote telemetry and so data availability is subject to monthly downloads when the buoys undergo maintenance.
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, neither Scottish Environment Protection Agency, nor its employees or agents can be held responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions, whether caused by negligence or otherwise. All data should be regarded as provisional and may be subject to later revision.