Position statements
These set out our approach to particular issues that arise during the regulatory process:
- WAT-PS-06-01: Multiple ownership operators – Authorising existing and new activities
- WAT-PS-06-06: Human Health Protection and the Water Environment
- WAT-PS-06-07: Interim Enforcement of Authorisations under The Controlled Activities Regulations: Deleted as CAR enforcements now follow principles set out in Policy 5: SEPA Policy Statement on Enforcement
- WAT-PS-11-01: Regulating Underground Coal Gasification, CO2 Storage, Shale Gas and Coal Bed Methane Extraction
- WAT-PS-22-01: Raw water transfers
- Alteration of structures and Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS)
Regulatory methods
These set out the process SEPA follows when assessing all applications:
- WAT-RM-09: Modifications to CAR Authorisations
- WAT-RM-10: Use of enforcement notices - Information now on the Enforcement page
- WAT-RM-20: Advertising and consultation
- WAT-RM-22: Managing refusals and appeals
- WAT-RM-34: Derogation determination - Adverse impacts on the water environment
- WAT-RM-41: Derogation determination – Improvements to the water environment
- WAT-RM-48: SEPA application for CAR Authorisation
- WAT-RM-49: CAR 2011 Emergency provisions and accelerated determination
SEPA supporting guidance
Documents produced for SEPA staff, which we have made publicly available, and documents produced by SEPA specifically for external use:
- WAT-SG-17: Modifications to deemed registrations: Disposal to land
- WAT-SG-18: Modifications to deemed licences: Subsistence COPA
- WAT-SG-19: Modifications to deemed registrations: Non-subsistence COPA
The three above procedures have been archived as, under CAR 2011 regulations, there is now no determination step for the transfer of COPA consents and groundwater authorisations into CAR.
- WAT-SG-47: Levels of authorisation and charging guidance for flood alleviation schemes
- Guidance on temporary waivers for annual charges
- WAT-SG-67: Assessing the significance of impacts - Social, economic, environmental
- WAT-SG-68: Assessing significantly better environmental options
- WAT-SG-82: Enforcement of planned sampled discharges - This content is now available within WAT-RM-40: Assessment of numeric discharge quality conditions
- WAT-SG-85: Application of standards to thermal discharges
- WAT-SG-90: SEPA conservation procedure for SACs, SPAs and SSSIs
- WAT-SG-92: Regulation of impoundment alterations (Removal & modification)
Bank protection guidance
Gold panning guidance
Water source heat pump guidance
Biosecurity and non-native species
- Guidance to prevent the introduction or spread of invasive non-native species when undertaking controlled activities
- SEPA position and good practice guidance on the removal of pink salmon redds
Pollution prevention guidelines
We are currently replacing the PPGs with updated versions which will be known as GPPs.
All PPGs and GPPs can be found on the NetRegs website.