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Changes to permits


A permit holder can apply for a variation to change the conditions of their permit.

Administrative variations

An administrative variation is a change to permit conditions which does not require SEPA to undertake technical assessment, for example, changing the name of a chemical, lowering a discharge limit, changing an effective date.

These changes do not increase the environmental risk created by the site.

A variation application form should be submitted to SEPA along with limited supporting evidence (if required). Administrative variations do not incur a fee.

Changes to pen configuration will be treated as an administrative variation where no complex risk assessment required:

Applications to vary MPFF permits to add a discharge from a wellboat, where the medicine is already authorised and no change in permitted volumes is being sought, will be classed as an administrative variation. Where permits do not already contain authorisation to use bath medicines or an increase is being sought, a technical variation will be required supported by appropriate modelling.

Technical variations

A technical variation is a change to permit conditions which requires SEPA to undertake a technical assessment, for example increasing the biomass limit or adding a new medicine to the permit.

These changes have the potential to increase the environmental risk created by the site.

In advance of submitting an application for a technical variation, the permit holder should submit a pre-applications proposal.

After pre-application is concluded a variation application form should be submitted to SEPA along with the relevant modelling, baseline and monitoring data agreed during the pre-application stage along with the variation fee.

The majority of variations under CAR are ‘substantial variations’ which incur a fee of 70% of the full application fee. These variations require SEPA to carry out a substantial amount of technical work comparable to the scale of work involved in assessing a new application.

Variations which do not clearly fall within the categories of administrative or substantial are classed as standard variations and incur a fee of 30% of the full application fee.


A permit can be transferred to another person or organisation by submitting an application to transfer a licence.

Transfers do not incur a fee.


A permit can be surrendered by submitting a surrender of authorisation form.