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Do I need an authorisation?

Some activities carried out by business or industry can, potentially, be harmful to environment.

As Scotland’s principal environmental regulator, we issue a range of authorisations designed to control activities that could lead to pollution or environmental damage.

This section of our website will help you find out if your activity requires a licence or other authorisation.

Do I need any authorisation?

Authorisations are managed and regulated according to the nature of your activity.

You must contact us ito discuss your activity before preparing and submitting any application.

How do I find out what authorisation my activity requires?

What does your proposed activity involve?

Non-licenced and exempt activities

There are a number of activities that do not require formal authorisation, however they can and often do require prior approval.

These activities include:

We strongly advise that you contact us before undertaking any of these activities.

We can advise you and help you acquire approval, as well as undertake inspections or checks to ensure that your arrangements are in order before you start your activity.