Scotland’s forest developments play a vital role in benefiting the environment.
Woodlands and forests deliver many positives: fostering and supporting jobs, education and skills development; contributing to the recreation, tourism and health sectors; and offering accessible green space in urban areas.
In addition, Scotland's forest resource is a vital component of climate change mitigation and underpins our value-added forest industries and the fast developing wood fuel sector. It is hugely important to our landscape and offers a range of habitats that nurture and enhance Scotland’s biodiversity.
Along with Scottish Forestry, we are working to help improve the contribution that Scotland’s woodland environments have to protecting and improving the environment.
In support of our specific interests, the UK Forestry Standard Guidelines are especially relevant:
- Forests and Biodiversity
- Forests and Climate Change
- Forests and Soil
- Forests and Water
We are members of Scotland’s Environmental and Rural Services (SEARS), a partnership of eight public bodies working with land managers to enhance efficiency, thereby helping to protect and improve the rural environment.
Scotland’s Environment Web contains a wide range of information on how forestry and woodlands affect the environment both positively and negatively and how it they are managed and monitored to ensure the sustainability of the environment as a whole.
For more information about forest developments and the environment, please contact us.